When the word “can” is used, this implies that the inclusion is optional.
When the word “must” is used, this implies that the inclusion is mandatory.
In order to create a client for the iBricks Cloud API, a client id and secret are required. If you want to create a client which will access the iBricks Cloud API, please contact us at mail@ibricks.ch.
See https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html
Each request to the API must include a bearer token, otherwise the API will return a 401 (unauthorized).
The bearer token is added into the header of the request
“Authorization”, “Bearer eyJhbG{RETRACTED}”
A bearer token always starts with “ey”. The bearer token can be retrieved using the default OPENID connection path
The requests are all structured following the same logic.
The base URL is: https://myibricks.com/api/v1/
The main separator is the HouseBase, a HouseBase contains all the actors and sensors of a home.
Users can have multiple HouseBases available to them, they may have created some themselves and may have had others shared with them. This can be done on the iBricks Cloud Portal.
Making the request https://myibricks.com/api/v1/housebases will return all HouseBases available to the user which has been linked with your requesting client.
Get requests can append the following parameters to the request, please note that these parameters are ignored when requesting a single element. The Get request returns the requested element(s) or an ErrorApi item.
Parameter | Value | Required | Default |
limit | 0 - 10000 | No | 100 |
offset | 0 - 10000 | No | 0 |
In order to change the state of an actor, you must use PUT requests, the body should contain json formatted the values you want to adjust. The Put Request Response contains the actor which was modified, or an ErrorApi Item.
This is the root API Item, each response contains these parameters.
Parameter | Value Type | Comments |
ID | string | Contains the relative ID (which may not be used as a unique identifier) |
UniqueID | string | Contains the absolute ID (which may be used as a unique identifier) |
Type | string | The Type of the device |
ApiType | enum | The API type |
0 (Unknown)= Not set or request not known | ||
1 (Discovery)= Find request | ||
2 (Sync)= Sync request | ||
3 (Query)= Get state request | ||
4 (Execute)= Set state request | ||
5 (Error)= something went wrong with the request | ||
Version | int | The API version |
Attributes | string array | Custom attributes may be returned here |
CustomData | string array | Custom data may be returned here |
Links | Array of Links | Contains links relevant to the object |
rel = helper string what the link is | ||
href = the url (relative) | ||
createTimeUTC | DateTime | Contains a DateTime in UTC when the item was created |
The iBricks Cloud API can return several errors, depending on the nature of the request, and where the error occurred. All of these errors are returned using the Error reply item; which returns a JSON structured object which contains the following information:
Parameter | Value Type | Comments |
ErrorMsg | string | Contains a plaintext error message |
StatusCode | HttpStatusCode | Contains the corresponding HTTP status code correlating to error |
The main separator is the HouseBase, a HouseBase contains all the actors and sensors of a home.
Users can have multiple HouseBases available to them, they may have created some themselves and may have had others shared with them.
Parameter | Value Type | Comments |
MasterEmail | string | Who is the master of the HouseBase |
MasterGuid | GUID | The GUID of the Master |
Name | string | The Name of the HouseBase, maybe be used as display name |
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/Housebases/ –> get all housebases
Get Single
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/housebases/{id} –> get specific housebase
Sample Return
[ { "masterEmail": "test1@ibricks.ch", "masterId": "bc3d67fd-811b-4b27-93c0-4ec0d1eceb46", "name": "Cello Testkoffer 2", "id": "e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac", "uniqueId": "e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac", "type": null, "version": "1", "apiType": 0, "attributes": null, "customData": null, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac" }, { "rel": "switches", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/switches" }, { "rel": "dimmers", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/dimmers" }, { "rel": "shutters", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/shutters" }, { "rel": "meteos", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/meteos" }, { "rel": "directors", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/directors" }, { "rel": "scenes", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/scenes" } ], "createTimeUTC": "2020-02-17T08:07:19.6332894Z" } ]
Directors are single setpoint actors which control temperature.
Parameter | Value Type | Comments |
TemperatureScale | string | The scale of temperature (only °C is currently supported) |
SupportedModes | List<String> | All modes that the director supports (eg. ‘Heating’ ‘Cooling’) |
SelectedMode | string | The current mode of the director |
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/directors/ –> get all directors
Get Single
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/directors/{id} –> get specific director
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/directors/{id} –> Set director value
Put allows you to change the desired value of the director
Parameter | Value | Required | Comments |
value | -100 ↔ 100 | No | |
type | {‘relative’, ‘absolute’} | No | relative → change degree relative to current setpoint. absolute –> set absolute temperature |
setMode | {‘COOL, ‘HEAT’} | No | Changes the mode of the director, if the director supports mode swithching |
scale | {‘CELSIUS’} | No | Only Celsius is currently supported |
Example PUT request:
{ “value”: “18”, “type”: “absolute” }
{ “value”: ”-2“, “type”: “relative” }
Example return from API
{ "temperatureScale": "CELSIUS", "supportedModes": [ "HEAT", "COOL" ], "selectedMode": "HEAT", "displayName": "Thermostat Wohnzimmer", "manufacturer": null, "exists": true, "willReportState": false, "retrievable": true, "value": "19", "id": "cello_director_84F3EBA174FF", "uniqueId": "a80ef48f-8123-4df0-b440-cbe2b74f789d--Dir--cello_director_84F3EBA174FF", "type": null, "version": "1", "apiType": 0, "attributes": null, "customData": null, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/a80ef48f-8123-4df0-b440-cbe2b74f789d/directors/cello_director_84F3EBA174FF" } ] }
Dimmers are dimmable lamps. These can also be Color Dimmers or Color temperature dimmers.
Parameter | Value Type | Comments |
IsDimmable | bool | True = Can be dimmed |
IsColor | bool | True = Has rgb color capabilities |
IsTunableWhite | bool | True = Has color temperature capabilities |
Value | floating number | Brightness in % (0-100%) |
ProcValue | floating number | Desired Brightness in % (0-100%) |
Color | Color | rgb color |
ColorTemperature | integer | the color temperature in Kelvin |
ProcColorTemperature | integer | the desired color temperature in Kelvin |
MinColorTemperature | integer | the minimum supported color temperature in Kelvin |
MaxColorTemperature | integer | the maximum supported color temperature in Kelvin |
MyLightType | enum | The type of dimmer (0 =Unknown, 1= Switch dimmer , 2= Dimmer) |
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/dimmers/ –> get all dimmers
Get Single
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/dimmers/{id} –> get specific dimmer
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/dimmers/{id} –> Set dimmer value
Put allows you to change the desired value of the dimmer
Parameter | Value | Required | Comments |
value | -100 ↔ 100 | No | Dimmer value in percentage (0-100) |
type | {‘absolute’, ‘relative’, ‘OnX’, ‘On’ ‘Off’, ‘color’, ‘ct’} | No | Relative = Change dimmer value based on current brightness |
OnX = Turn on with last set brightness | |||
On = Turn on full brightness | |||
Off = Turn off | |||
Color = Set color (requires saturation and hue) | |||
Ct = Set color temp (in kelvin) | |||
If Type is not passed, absolute dimmer value is assumed | |||
hue | 0.0 ↔ 360.0 | No | floating number |
saturation | 0.0 ↔ 1.0 | No | floating number |
Example PUT request:
{ “value”: ”-20“, “type”: “relative” }
Example reply
[ { "isDimmable": true, "isColor": false, "value": 95.0, "procValue": 75.0, "color": "", "isTunableWhite": false, "colorTemperature": 0, "procColorTemperature": 0, "minColorTemperature": 0, "maxColorTemperature": 0, "myLightType": 2, "validValue": true, "displayName": "Holzsäule Dimmer", "manufacturer": null, "exists": true, "willReportState": false, "retrievable": true, "allowed": true, "id": "cello_dimmer_6001944B3695", "uniqueId": "e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac--Di--cello_dimmer_6001944B3695", "type": null, "version": "1", "apiType": 0, "attributes": null, "customData": null, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/dimmers/cello_dimmer_6001944B3695" } ], "createTimeUTC": "2020-02-17T08:39:35.9559446Z" } ]
A meteo is a sensor device which can be used to retrieve measurable data from a sensor. This can be temperatures, wind speed, humidity etc.
Parameter | Value Type | Comments |
ValueType | string | The type of meteo (eg. “TEMP”, “WIND”) |
ValueUnit | string | The Unit set to the meteo sensor |
TemperatureScale | string | hard coded to “CELSIUS”” |
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/meteo/ –> get all meteos
Get Single
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/meteos/{id} –> get specific meteo
Sample Return
[ { "valueType": "TEMP", "valueUnit": "°C", "temperatureScale": "CELSIUS", "displayName": "Wohnraum", "manufacturer": null, "exists": true, "willReportState": false, "retrievable": true, "allowed": true, "value": "22.73", "procValue": null, "id": "cello_TEMP_6001944B4FFF", "uniqueId": "e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac--Me--cello_TEMP_6001944B4FFF", "type": null, "version": "1", "apiType": 0, "attributes": null, "customData": null, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/meteos/cello_TEMP_6001944B4FFF" } ], "createTimeUTC": "2020-02-17T09:02:19.2036337Z" } ]
Scenes contains N actors and can turn these on or off based on what has been configured.
Parameter | Value Type | Comments |
DisplayName | string | The Display name of the Scene |
IsActive | bool | Not active yet, would return if Scene is currently running |
DeviceIdsInScene | custom | A list of all devices in the scene, currently not implemented |
sceneStatus | enum | the current scene status. Currently only returns TurningOn (3) and Turning Off(4) for requests. Otherwise 0 (Unknown) is returned. |
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/scenes/ –> get all scenes
Get Single
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/scenes/{id} –> get specific scene
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/scenes/{id} –> Set scene value
Put allows you to change the desired value of the dimmer
Parameter | Value | Required | Comments |
value | {0,1} | Yes | 0 = Deactivate Scene |
1 = Activate Scene |
Example PUT request:
{ “value”: 1}
Example reply
{ "isActive": false, "description": "Oben Rechs", "sceneStatus": 0, "deviceIdsInScene": [], "id": "TopRight", "uniqueId": "e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac--Sc--TopRight", "type": null, "version": "1", "apiType": 0, "attributes": null, "customData": null, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/scenes/TopRight" } ], "createTimeUTC": "2020-02-18T07:43:01.8403462Z" }
Parameter | Value Type | Comments |
Value | float | The current position of the shutter (in percent 0-100) |
ProcValue | float | The desired position of the shutter (in percent 0-100) |
ValueBlinds | float | The current position of the blinds |
ProcValueBlinds | float | The desired position of the blinds |
Direction | string | The direction of the shutter |
HasBlinds | bool | Describes if the shutter has blinds (True=has blinds) |
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/shuters/ –> get all shutters
Get Single
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/shutters/{id} –> get specific shutter
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/shutters/{id} –> Set shutter value
Put allows you to change the desired value of the dimmer
Parameter | Value | Required | Comments |
value | -100 ↔ 100 | No | Shutter value in percentage (0-100) |
0 = completely open. 100 = completely closed | |||
valueBlinds | -100 ↔ 100 | No | Shutter blinds value in percentage (0-100) |
0 = completely open. 100 = completely closed | |||
type | {‘relative’, ‘absolute, ‘Stop’ } | No | Relative = Change shutter / blinds value based on current position |
absolute = set absolute position in percentage of shutter /blinds | |||
Stop = Stop the shutter movement | |||
If Type is not passed, absolute shutter /blinds value is assumed |
Example PUT request:
{ “value”: ”-20“, “type”: “relative” }
Example reply
{ "value": 255.0, "valueBlinds": 0.0, "procValueBlinds": 0.0, "procValue": 235.0, "direction": "", "hasBlinds": true, "displayName": "Küche", "manufacturer": null, "exists": true, "willReportState": false, "retrievable": true, "allowed": true, "id": "cello_shutter_60019458A075", "uniqueId": "e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac--Sh--cello_shutter_60019458A075", "type": null, "version": "1", "apiType": 0, "attributes": null, "customData": null, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/shutters/cello_shutter_60019458A075" } ], "createTimeUTC": "2020-02-18T07:55:55.5700797Z" }
Parameter | Value Type | Comments |
Value | float | The current position of the switch (0 = Off, 1 = On) |
ProcValue | float | The desired position of the switch (0 = Off, 1 = On) |
MyLightType | enum | The type of dimmer (0 =Unknown, 1= Switch dimmer , 2= Dimmer) |
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/switches/ –> get all switches
Get Single
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/switches/{id} –> get specific switch
api/v1/housebases/{XXXX}/switches/{id} –> Set switch value
Put allows you to change the desired value of the dimmer
Parameter | Value | Required | Comments |
value | {0,1} | Yes | 1 = turn switch on |
0 = turn switch off |
Example PUT request:
{ “value”: “1”}
Example reply
{ "value": 0, "procValue": 1, "myLightType": 1, "validValue": true, "displayName": "Wohnzimmer", "manufacturer": null, "exists": true, "willReportState": false, "retrievable": true, "allowed": true, "id": "cello_relais_6001944B4FFF", "uniqueId": "e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac--Re--cello_relais_6001944B4FFF", "type": null, "version": "1", "apiType": 0, "attributes": null, "customData": null, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "/api/v1/housebases/e6592e14-2ebc-48c7-990f-505e42ab17ac/switches/cello_relais_6001944B4FFF" } ], "createTimeUTC": "2020-02-18T07:55:02.1840292Z" }